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Sparda-Bank: RPA as a Service for a Significant Reduction in Throughput Times

Robotic Process Automation from the Almato cloud enables Sparda-Bank BW to drastically reduce throughput times in the back office. In just 7 weeks, a solution was implemented that automates thousands of processes.

The Key Facts at a Glance

  • Automation of 9,000 manual processes per year
  • 7 weeks from consultation to initial implementation
  • 90% reduction in throughput time

The Challenge

Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg is one of the leading banks in Baden-Württemberg in the area of construction financing for private customers. The processes between the bank and customers are already implemented digitally with innovative portal solutions such as the Sparda Immo-Club and the SpardaMyBaufi platform.

There were still media disruptions in the overall mortgage process in the back office when transferring the extensive mortgage documents to the bank's various host systems. Due to the numerous different document types and the large volumes of data, the previous process involved extensive manual work steps and sometimes led to very long processing times in the existing legacy systems.

The Almato Solution

Use of the DATAGROUP Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform to automate standardized processes via existing front-end applications.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an approach to process automation in which manual activities are automated by software robots (bots). The software robots act like digital employees that automatically process repetitive, structured and rule-based processes.



  • Based on leading RPA technology from Automation Anywhere and Almato
  • Standardized infrastructure services via the DATAGROUP Data Center
  • High availability for 24/7 uptime
  • Set-up package for the successful introduction of the first RPA process including preparation, analysis and conception, installation, implementation pilot process, review and intensive support during commissioning
  • Center of excellence training

Key Benefits

  • Short time-to-market for deployment and implementation of the solution in less than two months
  • No need for own server infrastructure due to Platform-as-a-Service model
  • Secure operation
  • Solution support for the implemented processes
  • All services from a single source

The Success

With the help of the DATAGROUP Robots-as-a-Service platform, the back office processes for construction financing have been fully automated. The average processing time per transaction has been reduced by a factor of ten. All processes can also be processed as soon as the required data is available so that the overall processing time for the process has been significantly reduced. As the DATAGROUP RaaS platform scales flexibly, peak loads can also be handled without any problems. The standardized processing of the individual procedures has also reduced the error rate and ensured complete documentation of process handling by the bot.

Because of the very successful introduction and implementation, Sparda-Bank BW is already planning to automate further processes.

»With our RPA-as-a-service offer we meet the high demands of the financial sector

– Stefan Dreher, COO & Authorized Signatory, Almato AG

Customer Statement

»The cooperation with the team was excellent. Our high expectations of the solution and the associated objectives were met in full.«

Michael Lichtner
Head of Back Office Active – market-related and risk-relevant business, Sparda-Bank


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